How to make an amulet to attract money with your own hands

coins to attract money

There are talismans that attract luck, wealth and money into the house. Let's learn how to make an amulet to attract money with your own hands.

How to catch the wave of cash flow

The simplest amulet is considered an irrevocable bill. Take the largest coin denomination, because the greater its value, the more that money will start to magnetize into your wallet.

A great option is a bill from a bargain or given along with a wallet.

  • First, place the coin on the windowsill where the moon rises during the night, so that it absorbs the energy from the rising moon.
  • Then put it in your wallet, not to be confused with other money, because you will never spend it, even if you find yourself completely without money.
  • Put it where you can see it at all times. Always carry it in your wallet.

Encrypted banknotes

Find a note in your paycheck where the passcode and code will at least partially match the first letters of your name, as well as your date of birth. Next, charge the banknotes by performing a special ritual:

  • Brush it with bergamot oil.
  • Make a neat tube from it.
  • Tie with green thread, tie three times.
  • Place a sprig of dried sage inside.
  • Seal both sides with green wax. Wax can be painted independently, for example, with a drop of brilliant green.
  • Hide the created talisman safely and don't show it to anyone, don't talk about it. Jealous people will reduce his power.

Magic bag

In order not to have to patch holes in the budget, sew a pocket of money.

  1. On Thursday, take a small piece of fabric, preferably red.
  2. Sew a small bag on your hand.
  3. Put money in it, starting from a penny to a ruble.
  4. Fill it continuously.
  5. Drizzle with eucalyptus oil.
  6. When the bag is full, tie it with a red thread, keeping it away from prying eyes.
  7. Then, every week, take this talisman out, hold it in your hand without opening it, so that it gets your energy and money, luck, and fortune will come to you.

Coins were found to be an effective means of attracting money

If you find a coin (the exception is a crossroads), then perform a simple ritual:

  • At midnight when the moon is rising (preferably on a Thursday), light a candle.
  • Say the following words 7 times: "I will say a coin, I will attract my luck. The rest of the way I will find and come on my own. My words are strong, burned by fire, butStrengthened by faith!
  • After these words, let the candle burn out.
  • Always carry coins in your wallet.

Trees to attract money

money tree like amulet

Even the ancient people tried to increase their wealth. The Slavs used various herbal remedies:

  • Cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • dried eucalyptus leaves;
  • pine leaves.

They took them in equal quantities, put them in linen bags, and carried them with them at all times. As they fall asleep in their pockets, they read a conspiracy to attract money, thinking about how to fill their pockets. Embroidery is also done not simply, but to attract wealth and fame. The precious amulet is tied only with a green thread.

If you decide to make a simple talisman out of grass, then place it near the workplace, but away from prying eyes. Burn it after a year, then make a new one.

Mouse in the wallet

Mouse is like a lucky charm

It turns out that among the ancient Slavs, the rat was associated with luxury, abundant money. Today, many people keep a rat statue made of stone, metal, or wood in their purse or pocket.

It is believed that it attracts money, protects from theft, large expenses and also promotes career advancement.

seductive black pepper

When going to a meeting where a major financial problem will be resolved, as well as when drawing a lottery ticket, make an amulet:

  • On a blank sheet of paper, write the amount that will come to you.
  • Place a vase on a window where the moonlight will shine, keep it under the moonlight.
  • Then bend the paper three times, placing it in a vase filled with the energy of the moon.
  • Pour the black pepper into the jar, close the lid, hide from prying eyes.
  • Before an important event, shake the jar with your left hand, thinking about the profit you will receive.

Amulet of the theme

homemade amulet to earn money from theme

To attract money, you can make a talisman from multicolored cotton or wool threads. To create a money bracelet, take three colors - blue, green, red.

Blue is a symbol of wish fulfillment, green - financial growth, and red - will save you from all kinds of risks. Weave them with a braid, tie the ends together, cut off the excess. Wear the bracelet on your left wrist or left ankle.

The sign of efficiency is a money ball. Take any banknote or coin, fasten 6-7 times with green or red threads in the middle, secure the ends well. Your money will increase, and you will not be afraid of the evil eye and damage.

Dollars for luck, money and luck

Watch the video to make a dollar talisman. If you have a dollar, then you can start making a magic item right away.

Why are these bills so powerful? It's all about the powerful symbol on the back of the dollar.

A bill folded in a triangle must be carried in a wallet. So let's get started!

Wait for the moon to rise and start making a dollar talisman.

  1. Fold the dollar in half to get the main line.
  2. Place the bill in Washington's presence.
  3. Fold the top left corner so that its corner is on the line.
  4. Next, fold the bottom left corner to match the top corner.
  5. Fold the right side of the bill diagonally so that the pyramid is at the top.
  6. Wrap the remaining piece, then fill the inside.

To make the money magnet more powerful, hold it in your hand so that the top of the pyramid is facing up. Bring the product to your lips, whisper the mantra three times:

"As a strong river attracts streams, and the sea attracts strong rivers, as a woman attracts a man and a man attracts a woman, as night attractsDay and day attract night, so you will attract others. .

Place the bill in the wallet, in the back, facing you, with the top of the pyramid facing up. Never take it out, don't open it, don't show it to anyone. Your financial situation will soon improve.


lucky coin
  • Wait for the arrival of lunar days from the 1st to the 15th.
  • Take 12 identical coins, the better one, shake them in your hand at exactly midnight and pour them on the table.
  • Those who fall down the "tail", eliminated.
  • In this way, shake and discard the unnecessary coins until there is only one "eagle" coin left.
  • Cut 2 triangles from thick cardboard, cut a small round hole in the center of each.
  • Place the coin between the triangles so that the coin in the hole is visible on both sides.
  • Then glue them tightly around the edges.
  • Hold the item in your hand, call upon the invisible guardians.

In order for a triangle with a lucky coin to bring good luck, carry it in your pocket or purse.